
At Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP we specialize in catering to a diverse set of industries with precision and expertise. Insights gathered from our extensive clientele across various sectors have allowed Verdeja & Alvarez to provide optimal financial reporting, cost accounting services, and consulting to these specialized industries. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends and regulations ensures that our clients receive cutting-edge solutions that drive their success.
Agriculture and Aquaculture
Verdeja, De Armas & Trujillo, LLP provides professional services to unique corporations and organizations in the agriculture and aquaculture industries. Among the clients that fall into these industries include agricultural farms in the Homestead area and aquaculture facilities in the Florida Keys.
Agriculture clients include plant nurseries and the distribution of foliage, fruits, and vegetables.
Aquaculture clients specialize in operations that may involve animal research, biotechnology, reproduction, marine mammal recreation and exhibition, animal education, and animal rescue operations.
Combining experience from all our clients in these industries has allowed Verdeja, De Armas & Trujillo, LLP to provide optimal financial reporting, cost accounting services, and consulting to these specialized industries.
South Florida is the aviation industry’s gateway to the Americas and is home to all types of aircraft and aircraft component businesses. Our professionals serve aircraft owners, consultants, as well as aviation businesses in various areas including commercial aircraft maintenance repair and overhaul (MROs), manufacturing, and distribution.
VDT services provided include:
Tax Compliance and Preparation
Accounting and Bookkeeping Services
Business Consulting
Internal Revenue Service Representation
Due Diligence and Agreed Upon Procedures
Aviation Mergers and Acquisitions
Budgeting and Forecasting
Business Valuation
Litigation Support
Verdeja, De Armas & Trujillo, LLP provides professional services to unique corporations and organizations in the aviation industry.
Combining experience from all our clients in this industry has allowed Verdeja, De Armas & Trujillo, LLP to provide optimal financial reporting, cost accounting services, and consulting to these specialized industries.
Banking/Financial Institutions
Verdeja, De Armas & Trujillo, LLP has experience in providing banks in the South Florida area with internal audits, consulting, and compliance services. Our experience includes all areas of bank operations, consumer compliance, regulatory reporting and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).
Our banking expertise also includes:
Internal Audit Outsourcing
Compliance Audit Outsourcing
Income Tax Planning and Preparation
Bank Secrecy Act Compliance, Audits and Training – Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (CAMS)
Asset Based Lending Audits
Pension Plan Audits
Technology consulting
Regulatory compliance
Our firm can assure you timely completion of your financial goals with a personalized customer experience. Our reputation and expertise supports and strengthens the financial institutions we serve.
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP provides professional services to unique corporations and organizations in the agriculture and aquaculture industries. Among the clients that fall into these industries include agricultural farms in the Homestead area and aquaculture facilities in the Florida Keys.
Agriculture clients include plant nurseries and the distribution of foliage, fruits, and vegetables.
Aquaculture clients specialize in operations that may involve animal research, biotechnology, reproduction, marine mammal recreation and exhibition, animal education, and animal rescue operations.
Combining experience from all our clients in these industries has allowed Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP to provide optimal financial reporting, cost accounting services, and consulting to these specialized industries.
Agriculture Accounting Services
South Florida is the aviation industry’s gateway to the Americas and is home to all types of aircraft and aircraft component businesses. Our professionals serve aircraft owners, consultants, as well as aviation businesses in various areas including commercial aircraft maintenance repair and overhaul (MROs), manufacturing, and distribution.
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP services provided include:
Tax Compliance and Preparation
Accounting and Bookkeeping Services
Business Consulting
Internal Revenue Service Representation
Due Diligence and Agreed Upon Procedures
Aviation Mergers and Acquisitions
Budgeting and Forecasting
Business Valuation
Litigation Support​
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP provides professional services to unique corporations and organizations in the aviation industry.
Combining experience from all our clients in this industry has allowed Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP to provide optimal financial reporting, cost accounting services, and consulting to these specialized industries.
Banking/Financial Institutions
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP has experience in providing banks in the South Florida area with internal audits, consulting, and compliance services. Our experience includes all areas of bank operations, consumer compliance, regulatory reporting and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).
Our banking expertise also includes:
Internal Audit Outsourcing
Compliance Audit Outsourcing
Income Tax Planning and Preparation
Bank Secrecy Act Compliance, Audits and Training – Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (CAMS)
Asset Based Lending Audits
Pension Plan Audits
Technology consulting
Regulatory compliance
Our firm can assure you of the timely completion of your financial goals with a personalized customer experience. Our reputation and expertise support and strengthen the financial institutions we serve.
Our firm has provided asset-based lending audits to numerous banks in South Florida. We have performed over 50 asset-based lending audits for all different types of companies.
Car Wash Companies
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP has provided audits, accounting, and due diligence work for car wash companies across the country. This included the purchase, sale, and valuation of car wash companies to private equity and public companies. In addition, our firm has provided audit and accounting services to one of the largest car wash companies in Florida.
Homeowners & Condominiums Associations
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP provides, audit, review, compilation, and agreed-upon procedures services to numerous condominium and homeowners associations throughout South Florida. In addition, our firm has also performed both turnover and recurring audits for large, complex condominium associations.
In IRS terminology, condominium and homeowners associations are referred to as Common Interest Realty Associations, or CIRA. Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP has served over 50 CIRA clients. We have the same goals in mind as the association administrators: preserving the values, amenities, and common areas for the benefit of its members.
As we continue expanding our portfolio in CIRA association audits, we serve our client with useful benchmarking analysis which allows management members to identify strengths and weaknesses in their association when compared to others in the industry that may be performing at a greater or lesser efficiency level. We offer consultation on best practices to our clients that lead to client savings and greater management of funds.
Construction & Real Estate Development
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP’s real estate clients include some of the largest developers and contractors in Miami-Dade and Broward counties. In today’s complex world of construction and real estate development, it is crucial that developers are partnered with a financial service firm that can work with them hand-in-hand in meeting their goals. Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP has a history of assisting developers in achieving their goals.
Our firm has represented developers in the following categories:
Multi-million dollar commercial and residential projects throughout Florida
Office Buildings
Shopping Centers
Industrial Properties
Warehouse Properties
Financings, Purchases, and Sales
Investors and Property Managers
Our audit department has established expertise in the percentage of completion method of accounting and job cost accounting.
From residential projects to commercial ventures, our industry-experienced professionals can help you manage risk and protect your financial interest in a number of areas, including:
Accounting and financial statements
Tax planning, consulting and tax return preparation
Alternative minimum tax issues
Support of in-house accounting and bookkeeping staff
Work-in-progress schedules
Bonding issues and compliance
DOT audits
Governmental entities are some of the most regulated organizations. In order to comply with the strict regulations and requirements, a governmental entity must engage with a financial services firm to ensure that its operations are in accordance with the laws set forth. Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP boasts a resume well-suited to provide services to governmental organizations.
Our firm has served on many joint ventures with all the Big Four accounting firms including the audits of Jackson Memorial Hospital, The City of Miami Beach, and the Miami-Dade County Aviation and Transportation Departments. We also have experience in preparing a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the submission to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP takes pride in its pool of knowledge from so many different organizations in the governmental sectors, and provides vast accounting and operations knowledge to share with its clients for the improvement of their system. We believe that our resume in the South Florida region makes us the premier candidates to serve and improve these organizations. Based on our extensive experience in governmental auditing, we will be able to assist governmental organizations by providing guidance and implementing changes in governmental accounting standards, as well as providing best practices for similar organizations.
Specialized services we offer to governmental entities include the following:
Federal Single Audit Act
Florida Single Audit Act
OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations
Government Auditing Standards, (the Yellow Book)
Rules of the Auditor General, State of Florida
HUD Consolidated Audit Guide
Consulting and guidance are offered in connection with the following:
GASB 34, Financial Reporting Model implementation
The Government Finance Officer’s Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program
Technology and accounting system issues
Bond issues and refunding and their reporting requirements
Internal control studies
Internal audit work, if outsourced
Healthcare Industry
With the always-changing policies in the healthcare industry, it is important to engage with a firm that can adapt to those changes, as well as bring in knowledge from its previous experiences. At Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP, we can fulfill both of those roles. We have the resources that keep us up to date with the changes in accounting and financial policies within the healthcare industry. In addition, we bring with us more than 50 years of experience and have been recognized as a regional leader in the healthcare industry.
Our clients within the industry include:
Assisted-Living Facilities
Extended Care Facilities
Home Health Agencies
Nursing Homes
Our firm is very familiar with Medicare and Medicaid regulations, the Affordable Health Care Act, cost report preparation, and other healthcare-required filings.
Import/Export Companies
and Distributors
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP has significant experience working with all different types of import/export companies. We have a specialized understanding of inventory, POS systems, and foreign transactions. Some of the companies we have worked with distribute technology, food, retail and apparel, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and everyday goods.
International Business
Few firms in the United States can say that over 80% of their personnel are truly bilingual. Having a bilingual skill set, specifically in English and Spanish, allows our firm to expand its clientele to Latin America, Europe, and other Spanish-speaking regions without experiencing a language barrier. Whether it is a foreign company with a subsidiary in the United States that is required to report under US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, a business owner that prefers engaging with a bilingual accounting firm, or an individual seeking tax services, our firm is capable of providing those services.
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP, was listed as one of the largest Hispanic-owned companies in the United States by Hispanic Business and was also awarded as one of the top 100 minority businesses by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce.
We have provided audit, review, compilation, and tax services to numerous international companies and individuals.
Not-For-Profit Organizations
Not-for-profit Organizations are an area of expertise of Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP. We provide audit, accounting, consulting and tax services to over 150 not-for-profit organizations throughout Miami-Dade, Broward, Hillsborough and Monroe Counties.
Our not-for-profit clients include:
Art Centers
Children’s Organizations
Community Mental Health Centers
Educational Institutions
HUD Financed Properties
Human Services
Social Services
Substance Abuse Centers
Because of our familiarity with the not-for-profit industry, there is usually little to no learning curve when it comes to engaging new and existing clients.
Our firm performs audits in accordance with all federal, state, and local government standards and provides accounting, consulting, tax, and management advisory services tailored for not-for-profit entities.
These include:
Financial and performance audits
Circular A-133 audits
State single audits
Tax planning, consulting, and tax return preparation
Protection of tax-exempt status
Outside controllership
Support of in-house accounting and bookkeeping staff
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP easily adapts to the type of technology present at not-for-profit organizations. We are very familiar with software applications present in the education industry such as QuickBooks, SAGE, Logos, Creative Solutions, Blackbaud, GP, and others. We are also familiar with more complex software programs such as MIP, SAP, etc.
Places of Worship/Religious Organizations
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP performs audit, accounting, tax and consulting services to over 100 places of worship with all religious affiliations.
We work with a variety of religious organizations of different denominations including:
Houses of worship
Retreat centers
Outreach entities
Since we provide services to a large volume of places of worship, we are able to compile our knowledge from each entity and apply it to improving all entities. Our familiarity with the operations, funding, and controls of places of worship make us an intelligent choice to serve places of worship of all religious affiliations.
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP also provides tax compliance and consulting to clergy.
Seminars, Training, and Other Services
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP can help educate you about the latest tax rules and regulations as they relate to religious organizations, determine if your organization is in compliance, and discuss what kinds of critical tax issues could affect your organization in the future.
We can also help you with payroll issues like how to distinguish between independent contractors and employees to ensure that you are issuing the proper documentation including W-2s and 1099s. Our firm will provide the guidance you need on what kinds of records and reports should be in your financial system and how to organize them.
Charter Schools
Charter schools offer a more innovative and flexible educational opportunity while still operating within the realm of the public school system. Charter schools are funded by public monies that operate under a performance contract, are administered by a nonprofit organization, and are subject to an annual financial audit. With the increasing growth in the popularity of charter schools, Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP has gained an extensive portfolio of charter school clients in which it provides an annual financial audit in accordance with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Audit and Accounting Guide – Audits per State and Local Governments and provisions of Florida Statutes.
We are familiar with the potential types of funding that Charter Schools are eligible to receive including Federal and State grants, Florida Capital Outlay funds, Federal Title 1, and National School Lunch Funds.
Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 218.39, all Florida charter schools must have annual financial audits. In addition, under Rule 10.855 of the Florida Auditor General, “government auditing standards” are applicable to these audits. Our audit team can assist you with the annual audit requirements and applicable government standards.
As your auditor, we can provide you with the following:
Preparation of the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and State Assistance Programs.
Review of your charter school’s grant agreements, contract awards, and compliance requirements.
Review of your charter school’s internal controls.
Guidance on reporting requirements and timely submission of specialized reports.
Issued Financial Statements due 60-90 days after fiscal year-end, see Charter Agreement
Draft of the basic financial statements and disclosures
Assistance with required supplementary information
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance-Budget to Actual
Tax Preparation
Tax Compliance
Our firm has developed an expertise in reporting under Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) for charter schools in both Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. With over 50 charter schools serviced, we consider ourselves one of the go-to firms for organizations in need of a charter school audit.
Private and Religious Schools
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP provides audit, accounting, and tax services to over 100 schools in Florida. Our private school clients range in revenues from as low as several hundred thousand to over $100 million. In addition, we believe our firm audits the most private schools in Florida.
Because we audit and provide accounting services to over 100 schools, we are able to benchmark schools as compared to others in areas such as Tuition, Financial Aid, Salaries, Benefits, General and Administrative expenses, Fundraising, Endowments, etc. per student.
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP has elaborate benchmarking tools that allow us to measure the financial aspects of a school side by side against other local schools by utilizing averages and ranges. When data is presented, we ensure anonymity. We are able to determine a healthy mean for income and expense accounts as a percentage of total tuition, fundraising, etc. as well as offer suggestions for improvements based on what has been successful for others in the past. We can also offer a customizable approach at your request for specific areas you wish to compare against others. Our culmination of school clientele we have in the area makes our benchmarking capabilities unique to us.
Small Business/For-Profit Organizations
Each day, our accountants deal with the pressures faced by our small business clients—increasingly complex and ever changing tax law; the constant need to control costs and improve efficiencies; succession and estate planning; the need for proper record keeping, as well as others. Perhaps most importantly, we understand that a small business is also a personal business—at the end of the day, what’s good for the business has to be good for its owners.
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP is committed to helping our client’s businesses succeed, by ensuring that its owners are paying the minimum amount in taxes, while growing and protecting their assets through sound wealth management strategies and tactics.
This commitment is delivered through a wide range of accounting services for small business, including but not limited to:
Corporate / Business Tax Planning and Compliance
Financial Statement Review and Compilation
Payroll Services
Personal / Individual Tax Strategies, Planning and Compliance
Tax Credits, Tax Deductions and Tax Incentives
Sports & Entertainment Industries
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP provides accounting, tax, and consulting services to businesses and individuals in the sports and entertainment industry.
Tax Services:
Federal and State tax compliance and preparation services
Domestic and International tax planning
Tax structuring and consulting services
Estate and Trust tax planning
Internal Revenue Service and State tax audit assistance
Accounting and Consulting Services:
Outsourced accounting and bookkeeping services
Budget and Cash Flow Forecasting
Financial Reporting
Business Strategy and Management
Compilation, Review, and Audit services
Transportation Industries
Verdeja & Alvarez, LLP has had numerous clients in the transportation industry for many years. Import and export clients, as well as shipping companies, look to our knowledge and experience to help maximize profits and financial risk.
We can help you with:
Accounting and financial statements
Tax planning, consulting, and tax return preparation
Contract and change-order management
Job cost maintenance
Work-in-progress schedules
Compliance and audits
Fines and penalties
Code classification of items transported
Management consulting regarding buying/selling businesses